September 14, 2004

Killian Me Softly (…Or: The Rebuttal to the Attack of the Defense of the Original Charge)


If you’ve been following this, here is the CBS rebuttal to the charges that the Killian documents are false. I have a number of takes:

1.) This whole affair just reveals how marginalized, desperate and sad the network news divisions have become.
2.) The Dem/GOP obsession with historical facts and character assassination is another example of how both parties are avoiding the country’s real problems.
3.) Why get so hot-and-bothered over the fine details. All you have to do is look at the way Bush and the White House people are starting to equivocate and parse their language on Bush’s service record to understand the true story. It’s just following the same pattern as the backsliding and linguistic revisionism over why we went to war.
4.) The blogosphere continues to gain currency — particular as a mechanism for (mainstream) media vetting.

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Michael Shaw
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