Israel Archives
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Middle East Watch Photo April 1, 2024

Israeli Military in Gaza: Are You Going to Believe Us, Or Your Own Eyes?

Despite the Israeli military's attempts to control and censor the coverage of Gaza, photojournalists continue to see through the propaganda.

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Middle East Watch Video December 3, 2023

Chatting the Pictures: Mourning Embrace in a Gaza Hospital

We discuss the photo's anonymity and intimacy, as well as other images of the woman and child to personalize the interconnection of grief and loss.

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Middle East Watch Video November 3, 2023

Chatting the Pictures: On a Gaza Playground, Seized by the Peril of Fighter Jets

The photo, timeless as it is specific, embodies the instinctual reactions, sustained fear, and psychic harm to children lacking true refuge.

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Middle East Watch Photo October 30, 2023

On Photography, Oct. 7, and Palestinians Under the Gun in Jerusalem

Philip Perdue examines Jerusalem news images after the Oct. 7 attack, showing how camera angles shape views and have moral consequences.

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Middle East Watch Video October 29, 2023

Chatting the Pictures: The Israeli Hostage Poster

Analyzing the posters of abducted Israelis, we examine their format, 9/11 parallels, wide circulation, and how they inform Israeli unity.

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