March 27, 2006

The Invasion Two-Step


Leave it to the White House, and the preponderance of more dramatic news (U.S. getting dragged into Iraq civil war; Washington immigration fight bringing people into the streets) to water this down, but the "Downing Street memo" is a real bombshell.  The NYT has disclosed a memo, written by a top aid to Tony Blair, confirming Bush's decision to invade Iraq before playing out his U.N. charade. 

In recognition of the fact, I thought I would lift these two clowns out of their "meet the press" moment to highlight both the swagger and the synchrony.


As much as I've been critical of The Times, the choice of photo here is simply masterful.  First, it lines up exactly with events, showing GW and TB strutting their cocksure stuff immediately following the reported "going to war, wink-wink" meeting.  Also, the body language at the time makes you wonder — — with the two men in perfect lockstep –how strongly Blair expressed any real reservations about Bush's intentions.

(hat tip: Steve)

(image: Doug Mills/The New York Times.  January 31, 2003.  Washington, D.C.  via

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Michael Shaw
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