Michael Shaw Archives
5,615 Posts
Protest Focus Photo May 9, 2024

Racism, Symbolism, Story: More Notable Images from the Campus “Free Palestine” Movement

In our second "free Palestine" campus protest post, we focus on the institutional divide and more scenes that challenge the media narrative.

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Activism & Protest Photo May 2, 2024

Crucial Elements of the Pro-Palestinian Campus Protests Overlooked by the Mainstream

Education, negotiation, militarism, human rights. Free Palestine campus protests have stood for much more than they have been credited for.

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Middle East Watch Photo April 1, 2024

Israeli Military in Gaza: Are You Going to Believe Us, Or Your Own Eyes?

Despite the Israeli military's attempts to control and censor the coverage of Gaza, photojournalists continue to see through the propaganda.

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Biden Presidency Photo March 18, 2024

Visual Blindspots and Media Bias: The “Disappearing” of Kamala Harris

While framed as “missing-in-action,” Kamala Harris tackles the hardest jobs and is everywhere fighting for social justice.

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Environment Photo March 3, 2024

Pictures Worth Noting: Extreme Symbolism and Arresting Juxtapositions

We're thrilled to introduce a new newsletter feature: "Pictures Worth Noting." Today's focus ranges from climate, to politics, to the border.

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Trump Photo February 27, 2024

Fading Force: Has Trump Lost His Edge in His Court-Defying Visual Strategy?

Recent court losses are eroding Trump's ability to dominate the photo coverage of his legal troubles. Expect his control of the narrative to weaken as the damage sets in.

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Biden Presidency Photo February 22, 2024

Throwing Shade: The Disturbing Visual Fallout From the Special Counsel’s Attack on Biden’s Competency

The Special Counsel’s questioning of Biden's cognitive abilities has unleashed a raft of negative imagery. The media's use of undermining photos risks biasing public perceptions and spreading ageist stereotypes. It's crucial to present more balanced visuals.

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Politics Photo September 5, 2023

Disrupting Trump’s Mug Shot and His “Singular Genius”

The treatment of Trump's mug shot is vital to consider, given the potential of the George conspiracy case to reshape his public identity.

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Media & Culture Photo June 21, 2022

David Hume Kennerly: Because He Was There

This photo of David Hume Kennerly, taken in Vietnam, makes a basic yet essential point about media integrity and the reportage from Ukraine.

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Environment Photo December 21, 2021

At the Tipping Point: So Much for the Pioneer Spirit

2021 represented a climate change tipping point. In recounting key visual markers, we call out two images from the Dixie Fire.

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Environment Photo November 21, 2021

Doubled Over By Ida

2021 was a climate tipping point. And among the catastrophes, this blow from Hurricane Ida seemed to speak to a larger fate.

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At the Tipping Point: Wildfire Threatens Tahoe

Summer 2021 was a tipping point. Fires, floods, heat waves and hurricanes scaled up, as did the mass recognition of climate change as an existential crisis. As part of that recognition, many brilliant, symbolically-laden pictures crystallized the moment.

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Disaster Focus Photo June 1, 2021

Haunting for the Beauty, or the Stalking?

Beauty and subtlety distracts from the reality of asylum seekers in this news photos from the US/Mexico border.

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International Focus Photo May 11, 2021

Figure and Ground

We rarely discuss it this formally, but our analysis of important news photos always considers the relationship between figure and ground.

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Photo March 31, 2021

Notable Faces from the Start of the George Floyd Murder Trial

At the start of jury selection in the George Floyd murder trial, seeing solidarity, and visualizing accountability.

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COVID 19 Photo March 23, 2021

The Halfs and the Half-Nots

How photojournalism is channeling split-screens and divided societies. Perceptually and morally, the style serves as an apt social mirror.

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Disaster Focus Photo February 18, 2021

Record Texas Freeze and a Photo of the Times

More and more, news photographs are capturing compound crises. Combining climate and Covid, this scene is particularly arresting.

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Photography/Photojournalism Photo February 2, 2021

The Massive Snow Storm of ’21, Beyond the Pretty Pictures

The blizzard of '21 is producing gorgeous photography. But these two simple Instagram pix by Mark Peterson keep an unconditional focus on American hardship.

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