August 5, 2007

More YK07: Without Elizabeth


My sense from watching him closely is that Edwards is in a lot of pain. 

When the candidates were asked during the YearlyKos forum if they would appoint an official White House blogger, Edwards nominated and paid tribute to his wife.  Then, at the start of the “break out session” in which Edwards met with a smaller group of bloggers, he started off by saying: Elizabeth sends here regards, and she’s feeling better.” 

You don’t see the effect that directly, but it’s there on the edges and in the pauses.  I had many shots that looked similar.

I’m not reflecting on this out of political support.  Rather, I’ve had the rare experience to observe these candidates close up, especially Edwards, and certain things are resonating with the clinician in me.  Because the Edwardses have been behaving so “normally,” one hardly thinks much about her illness and their impending tragedy. 

(image: BAGnewsNotes. Chicago.  August 4, 2007.)

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Michael Shaw
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