January 19, 2010

Playing the Palace

US Takes Haiti Prez Palace

I would love to know how the US military thought this picture would play (in Haiti — after the first rush; domestically; abroad) in landing American troops at the Haitian Presidential Palace. Was it all gung-ho, or was there an upside/downside consideration?

Notice, in the first report in the NYT, by the way, how Army Col. Gregory Kane is having to “take pains … to reassure Haitians that the United States was not invading.”

A little history: United States occupation of Haiti (Wikipedia)
Heat from the left: US Troops TAKE CONTROL of Haiti Presidential Palace… (KnowTheLies)

(photo: JUAN BARRETO/AFP/Getty Images. Port-au-Prince January 19, 2010. US troops descended by helicopter to take control of Haiti’s ruined presidential palace Tuesday, as the military earthquake relief operation gathered pace.)

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Michael Shaw
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