August 1, 2016

Trump Melania Lott

From MySanAntonio: The fashion designer told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that she doesn’t always agree with her husband’s controversial behavior and positions: “I don't agree with everything that he says, but you know, that is normal. I'm my own person, I tell him what I think, I'm standing very strong on the ground on my two feet and I'm my own person, and I think that's very important in the relationship." Photo: Joshua Lott, Getty Images

From MySanAntonio: The fashion designer told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that she doesn’t always agree with her husband’s controversial behavior and positions: “I don’t agree with everything that he says, but you know, that is normal. I’m my own person, I tell him what I think, I’m standing very strong on the ground on my two feet and I’m my own person, and I think that’s very important in the relationship.” Photo: Joshua Lott, Getty Images

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Michael Shaw
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