May 20, 2017

Trump Jumps Shark: Our Weekly Social Media Roundup

Photo: Rosie Gray via Twitter. Caption: About 20 or so reporters staking out Sean Spicer's office currently, May 15, 2017

Fire “nut job” FBI Director. Insinuate you did it to stonewall Russia investigation. Undermine every other person in the White House. Suffer Independent Council appointment. Meet with despot. Flee country. …And that, as they say, is just the half of it. It might have been one of the most damaging weeks for a (hyperbolic) president ever. What made it even worse is that most of it was self-inflicted.

Looking back at our Twitter feed this week, we were drawn to Trump’s reality gap and the photographic embrace of every “not normal” telegraph. Reporters rushing the Press Secretary’s office. Somodevilla’s Trump with a skirt. The tie with a mind of its own. Watergate analogies. It was all just MAD. Same with Richard Spencer’s reading tower, prison as a feel-good setting and, overseas, security and economic charades in Brazil and Peru.

— Michael Shaw

Photo: Rosie Gray via Twitter. Caption: About 20 or so reporters staking out Sean Spicer’s office currently, May 15, 2017

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Michael Shaw
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