August 31, 2004

RNC 2008 Springboard Competition: Rudy “Prime Time” Giuliani


Dive: Offensive–Not Defensive, New York, 9/11, Munich, Klinghoffer, Churchill, Kerry, Edwards, 9/11, Reagan, Arafat, Russian, Construction Worker, 9/11, Chicago Cop, Syrian, Sudanese, Old Testament, 9/11, World War II, Forward, Backward, Reverse, Straight, Pike, Tuck, 9/11, Cannonball

Level of Difficulty (10 point scale): 79

Analysis: Known primarily for a severe style, an unusually limber Rudy attempts a complex combination of moves that involves an unusual leap and a tremendous amount of airtime. (These scores are unofficial as the judges have yet to determine if the performance is over yet.)

Total Score (10 point scale): 5.5

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Michael Shaw
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