January 13, 2009

What If Hamas Was In EVERYONE'S Neighborhood?

(click for full size)


We already know Hamas has a highly effective visual narrative for waging war. So now, friends of Israel have come up with one too.

…And, if you head over to the ADL website, you can actually print out your own customized map situating Gaza, and incoming Hamas rockets, alongside any one of 19 favorite U.S. cities.

Kidding aside, however (otherwise, I’m just going to drown in tears), I’m truly curious about the effectiveness of this visual strategy. In particular, I’m wondering about the ad’s cognitive impact in New York where, beyond the large Jewish population, it took only two similar objects with a pair of wings to drive home a far bigger idea.

(image: Anti-Defamation League. from NYT ad, January 12, 2009)

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Michael Shaw
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