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Posts on the topic of War & Militarism.

34 Posts
Notes Photo May 2, 2024

Crucial Elements of the Pro-Palestinian Campus Protests Overlooked by the Mainstream

Education, negotiation, militarism, human rights. Free Palestine campus protests have stood for much more than they have been credited for.

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Chatting the Pictures Video April 6, 2024

Chatting the Pictures: The Feast of the Arms Industry

We analyze Nikita Teryoshin’s photos lampooning arms expos while applauding the rare window into the massive weapons marketplace.

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Chatting the Pictures Video December 3, 2023

Chatting the Pictures: Mourning Embrace in a Gaza Hospital

We discuss the photo's anonymity and intimacy, as well as other images of the woman and child to personalize the interconnection of grief and loss.

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Chatting the Pictures Video November 3, 2023

Chatting the Pictures: On a Gaza Playground, Seized by the Peril of Fighter Jets

The photo, timeless as it is specific, embodies the instinctual reactions, sustained fear, and psychic harm to children lacking true refuge.

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Chatting the Pictures Video October 29, 2023

Chatting the Pictures: The Israeli Hostage Poster

Analyzing the posters of abducted Israelis, we examine their format, 9/11 parallels, wide circulation, and how they inform Israeli unity.

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Notes Photo January 11, 2021

The Cult Of Trump In Its Last Throes

In the assault on the Capitol, the distinction between faith, nation, and godhead finally and completely broke down.

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Notes Photo August 14, 2019

The Disappearing Island: Censorship at Guantánamo Bay

How much censorship colors a NY Times Guantánamo Bay photo essay on censorship.

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Notes Photo April 11, 2019

Photography Challenge: Straddling Female Stereotypes as Women Become Marines

How well does Lynsey Addario’s New York Times boot camp story stand up in the age of #MeToo?

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Chatting the Pictures Video December 20, 2018

Chatting the Pictures: Yemen Starvation Photos, Gaza Slingshot, Black Lives Matter Kid in a Tree

This week, Chatting the Pictures, our 20-minute webcast analyzing news photos, looks at key pictures of the year from Yemen, Gaza, and Washington D.C.

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Notes Photo May 18, 2018

Between Jerusalem, Gaza and the Media: The Tear Gas Spectacular

What stokes the media as effectively as it fuels insurgency and state power--especially in the Trump era? Simply put, it's the fireworks.

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Notes Photo May 17, 2017

Beyond Compassion: On Photos of Syrian Photographer Rescuing Child

Visual evidence of Aleppo's horrors has not produced compassion fatigue but doubt in the ability to intervene. That is what the rescue photos demonstrate.

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Notes Photo March 30, 2017

Trump, the Mosul Atrocity, and a GIF That Says it All

How do we come to terms with the Mosul bombing, and a suddenly poisonous and reviled United States of America?

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Notes Photo December 20, 2016

On the Photos of the Russian Ambassador’s Assassination in Ankara: Our Tweet Thread

The overlap between online and social media, and war and terror is so complex, it's hard to make sense of what we're looking at.

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Notes Photo August 22, 2016

Omran and Alan: The Limits of the Photo of the Wounded Aleppo Boy

Ultimately, and in contrast to the Alan Kurdi wake-up call, the photograph of Omran, the wounded Syrian boy in the ambulance, is a rescue fantasy.

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Notes Photo March 23, 2016

The Brussels Attack: Between Two Cell Phone Photos of the Same Scene

What stood out from the terror attack in Brussels is how two slightly different cell phone photos became defining images of the event.

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Notes Photo February 25, 2016

World Press Photo Winners: Mary F. Calvert and Military Sexual Assault

I wanted to focus on the more political side of Mary F. Calvert’s award-winning photo project on women raped or sexually assaulted while serving in the U.S. military.

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Notes Photo November 12, 2015

War/No War. Reading Spencer Platt’s NY Veterans Day Parade Photos

These photos surface uncomfortable realities about an America (still) at war.

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Notes Photo September 20, 2015

News Photos as Military Promo: Prepping for the Next Good War?

This New York Times photo feature is less about military propaganda than it is about selling the next "good war."

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